Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kids in the Kitchen

Brittany (8) has been getting very interested in cooking/baking recently.  Monday Rachel was at Kids Club after school and I let Brittany help me put supper together.  If Rachel had been there it would have been a fight on whose turn it was to help.  We were making homemade pizza for the night.  I make the dough in my bread machine and freeze it.  I use whole wheat flour to help it fill us up better.  I usually make 3-4 batches in one day.  I love seeing that easy meal in the freezer when I'm out of ideas.  :)
As we were assembling the pizza she said she wanted to make cookies.  I told her to go get her cookbook that Grandma got her for her birthday and choose an idea.  Of course she gravitated right toward the chocolate recipe.  (A child after my own heart.)
When Rachel got home from Kids Club and found out that Brittany was helping with the supper she informed me that she wanted to make something too.  (Sigh)  She went and got her cookbook and chose a recipe herself.  Of course the hypoglycemic child that shouldn't have too much sugar found the page with cupcakes and frosting.  She does need those kind of treats every now and then though.
So last night the baking was on.  Brittany helped make most of her cookies.  She helped measure things and stirred as strong as she could.  We were making chocolate thumbprint cookies.  When they baked though the thumbprint disappeared.  Here's her picture of helping.

She really enjoyed the process and we might have to find some more recipes for her try.  We might have to find some healthier ones though if we're going to make a habit of this.

For the cupcakes, Rachel is more interested in the frosting and decorating part which we'll do tonight, but she had some help in making the cupcakes.
I guess that was the extent of her helping.  We'll see if I can get a better picture tonight.  Hopefully the final product will be interesting, maybe good for a laugh if nothing else.

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