Sunday, March 18, 2012

Piano recitals, spring break and misc...

Last Sunday we had the girls' piano recital.  For those of you questioning this, no I do not teach my own kids piano.  When Brittany entered 1st grade she was already reading chapter books so I thought she was ready for lessons.  I decided that if I wanted my children to live, I better not teach them myself.  I can teach other kids, just as long as they're not my own.  Speaking of which, I might start teaching after school next year.  Hint, hint.

I recorded the two girls playing their pieces.  Brittany's song was titled "A Quiet Place".  She did very well on it and even had it memorized.  Rachel's was called "Black Cat's Waltz" which her teacher played the duet with her.

In other news, we've been on spring break since Thursday.  We have one more day tomorrow, then back to it on Tuesday.  The weather has been 80s every day which makes it even better.  Often, if you even get them, spring breaks are a waste.  Lousy weather, sometimes even snow.  Usually we have so many snow days we don't ever get a break.  This one was long overdue.
Teachers needed a break from kids.  Kids needed a break from teachers.  Teachers needed a break from other teachers.  I think we'll be ready to finish out the year now.  We only have 40 some days left.  It can't be that bad.
Due to the awesome weather for break, we've been outside non-stop.  The kids have been riding bikes, playing with neighbor kids, sandboxing, etc.  They've had so much fun and played so hard that it's been  an every-night-bath week here at our house.
I guess there isn't much misc., it just felt like it in my head.  I have a big to-do list for this break and none of it's getting done.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so there's a chance I'll get to cross something off.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Shower Escapades

This is how I start my Friday morning.  Sometimes with my mornings I can't decide if I should laugh or cry.  Sometimes I cry because I'm laughing so hard.  It's one thing to step into the shower and see a pair of goggles, but when it's accompanied by a snorkel, well.....
I'm sorry, there's just no words for this.
So here's the picture of just the goggles.  That is their permanent spot because bathing with just a mermaid doll and an alligator just isn't enough.  That's what's next to the goggles.  Oh, yeah, that is watering can with a smiley face next to it too.
Those of you that are lucky enough to have a bathroom of your own probably can't relate very well.  This is the results of an older home that only has one and a half baths.  This is how families used to have to live all the time.  However, I don't think they had to share snorkels that many years ago.
The only redeeming part of this morning is that it's Pajama Day at school today.  When I couldn't stop laughing over the snorkel in my bathtub I didn't have to worry about redoing my mascara because I was crying from laughing too hard.  You just never know in this house.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A New Week

This is Dr. Seuss week for West Marshall.  In Minnesota we celebrated Dr. Seuss' actual birthday with lots of fun things, but here it's an entire week of celebrating.  Today is color day.  Seth is to wear purple (I don't think he has any), Rachel is to wear orange (her favorite color) and Brittany is to wear green.  I don't know what color I'm supposed to wear being a specials teacher, but I choose the color jeans.  That is a really nice side benefit of this week is you can justify wearing jeans with just about every day.
Tomorrow is farmer day.  We might struggle with that one a little bit.  Wednesday is whacky Wednesday where you wear whatever goes.  Thursday is hat day and Friday is pajama day.
Whacky Wednesday is also a lot of fun for teachers because we switch jobs for a couple of hours.  Our principal pairs us with another teacher and we have to do their job for the morning.  It's both scary and fun at the same time.  The kids absolutely love it and most are really good about helping you follow the normal routine.  My favorite is that the Kdg. teachers have their "subs" make oobleck during that time.
Friday is the mother of all Dr. Seuss days though.  There is absolutely  nothing resembling our normal schedule at all.  My room is used for a book exchange.  Kids can bring in books and for every one they bring in, they take a different one home.  Very cool.  The gym has Dr. Seuss-themed games.   I remember one from last year "Hop on Pop" where they have pictures of a bear taped to the gym floor and they use hippity-hops to land on each one.  There has also been a month-long reading contest for the building for the month of February.  If we met our goal, we get to do something to our principal.  There are also great prizes for the top readers in each grade.  Last year Brittany won for 1st grade and she received a series of chapter books.  She read a lot this year.  I don't know if it will be enough.  We'll find out Friday.
So it's going to be an interesting week.  I'll try to get some pictures posted of the kids for all these.